Technologies: Designed and manufactured

Our Products and Services

Below are some of the products and/or services we offer

Home and industrial camera and alarm systems

Shipping container tracking, locking and monitoring from your premisis to your clients

Providing technology to detect the vandalisation and theft of canvas and structures

Visual recording of the road and rail furniture including coordinates

Fleet and driver management including dispatching tools


High technology applied to the prevention of COVID-19

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Tools to manage and confirm the deployment of security gaurds

Detecting and reporting vibration on metal structures to reduce vandalism and theft

Assisting farmers and estates to detect vehicles using remote gravel roads

IOT devices and networks to use in various to assist you in protecting your assets.

Pepper Gas remains an effective method of slowing down thieves who gain access to stores and workshops. 

Enclosures designed to withstand most hand held tools and report any attempts of vandalism.